Diurnal is now Neurocrine UK

Clinical Trials

Diurnal is committed to ensuring our products are developed and undergo clinical trials according to Good Clinical Practice. Diurnal ensures our trials are registered on publicly available registries. The information below gives more detail about trials we are currently running.

What is a clinical study?

In a clinical study, participants are assigned to receive one or more investigational drugs to answer questions about the treatment to see if it works, works better than other treatments, and has side effects.

What is an investigational drug?

An investigational drug is a substance that is being tested in clinical studies. It has been reviewed by an ethics committee for testing in people and may or may not be currently approved by the government health agency for treatment for this condition.

Why should I take part in a study?

Clinical studies (also called clinical trials) are important for medical advances. Current treatments for diseases are only available because of research study volunteers.

Neurocrine Group Ltd (Company Number: 09846650) and its subsidiary, Neurocrine UK Ltd (Company Number: 05237326) are companies registered in England and Wales. Registered Offices: Cardiff Medicentre, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4UJ, UK.